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Welcom to Malteser-Stahlwaren

Malteser-Stahlwarenfabrik in Solingen

Picture of Malteser headquarter in Beckmannstr. 7-9, Solingen. Click for more information about the company.
Malteser plant in Solingen

The MALTESER - Stahlwarenfabrik is a family owned limited partnership company of the Solingen cutlery industry.

Founded in 1926 in Malteser Strasse, Solingen.

Today's headquarters and factory: Beckmannstr. 9, 42659 Solingen.

Management: Rolf-Dieter Bals, Peter Bals.

Products and Services of Malteser-Stahlwarenfabrik

Title of the Malteser-Catalogue and link to contact formular, where you can ask for our current catalogue
Malteser Catalogue
  • Scissors for manicure-pedicure, household, hairdressing and professional use
  • Cuticle- and nail- nippers
  • Tweezers of all kinds
  • Steel nail-files with triple cut or sapphire coating
  • Instruments for manicure, pedicure and cosmetics
  • Manicure-Sets and care-cases, quality and promotion gifts
  • Displays and sales aids for MALTESER care-instruments and manicure-sets
  • Repair service for MALTESER and other products

Please browse our catalogue for our total program.

Sources for Malteser Products

Picture of the successful Malteser Display Cabinet with Counter Display for pharmacies, perfumeries and specialized shops
Malteser Display

Malteser products are supplied to specialized departments of

  • drugstores,
  • perfumeries,
  • esthetitians,
  • pharmacies,
  • cutlery shops

in Germany, Europe and abroad.


Willi Bals GmbH & Co.KG

Beckmannstr. 9

42659 Solingen


Tel. +49 212 46686

Fax +49 212 44004



Mo.- Do. von 08:00 - 16:00

Fr. von 08:00 - 15:00


Öffnungszeiten Werksverkauf

Mo.-Fr. 08:30 - 12:30 Uhr
Während der Betriebsferien geschlossen


Feiertage geschlossen


Abweichende Öffnungszeiten:

Rosenmontag 3.3.25: 8:00 -13:00 Uhr    





Malteser Logo mit Link zur Startseite